Saturday, 9 May 2015


Ten minutes ago, I read an article on Thought Catalog about how, as people, we need to be more caring. And I absolutely loved the piece because I agree a 1000%. 

I don't know how long this has been happening but I realised it became a trend to be mean to people, to see yourself as more superior than others because it makes you feel cool. When did society become a competition to see who's cooler? Huh? We don't need to live in anxiety that if we're not deemed cool enough, we will be considered outcasts. We don't need that kind of shit in our lives. That's nonsense. And when did caring less become the new "cool" thing to do ? It's stupid. Being mean may have been cool when you were twelve and you idolised Sharpay Evans. But when you're almost twenty and entering adulthood? No. Being rude to people is just not nice and generally unappreciated so please cut the crap. Just be the person who cares more. Just be that and your life will infinitely be better. 

I know in relationships the one who cares more will always have the hardest time moving on and out of fear of heartbreak, people decide to shut themselves away from feelings. (Guilty as charged lol) but I've always told my friends who were/ going to be in relationships that it's fine to care more. It shows you have a heart that feels and I don't see anything wrong with that. I know girls who don't text guys because they don't want to seem clingy. Here's a solution, do it anyway. Be clingy because you know what, fuck what other people think. For all you know, the guy probably likes that you text often, because it shows that you care and WE ALL LIKE TO BE CARED ABOUT DON'T WE? 

Text them anyway. Part of what makes being alive so exciting is the ability to feel the full spectrum of human emotions; from the dark pits of sorrow to happiness that literally makes you feel like flying over the moon. Feel it anyway. Be in touch with your emotions. Being able to express how you feel is NOT a sign of weakness and it certainly shows bravery. I used to shut myself away from people and bottled up pretty much all my feelings to protect my pride and ego. And to only realise now that it was extremely foolish of me. If anything, life was duller and more disheartening. 

Learn to let go and be honest with life. If you're upset, go cry and eat ice-cream. Whatever. If you're happy, say so and embrace the moment. Take a selfie for all I care. If you're angry with someone, tell them and go grab ice-cream afterwards. If you're starting to like someone, tell them anyway and you can plan future ice-cream dates. Be bold enough to be the first one to reach out. Don't wait. Don't ever EVER sit around and wait for things to happen to you. Because when it doesn't, you will complain about how much life sucks. Life doesn't suck if you know how to live it properly. 

Don't wait for your friends to text you first because you don't wanna look desperate texting first. Honestly, just be kind and open. Be excited about everything, every little thing even, no matter how irrelevant they are. Take every opportunity to be happy, as often as you can. Laugh at everything and with everyone. Have a hella good time with your buddies. Stop hating people and love more. Stop gossiping and just shut the fuck up unless you have nice things to say about other people. 

You are capable of being kind and nice. So drop that bitchy attitude and smile for once. Fuck what people think. Stop caring less to protect your pride. 

Care more, love more, and live more. 

Kimmy x 

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