Thursday, 15 January 2015

How It Feels To Be Just An Average Looking Person

Knowing me, I'm the kind of girl who hashtags #Flawless on her own pictures because I personally agree that most of the time, I am pretty damn flawless. So it's a fact that I don't always put myself down but there are days where I can't help it. We all go through these ups and downs anyway so here goes.

As I was browsing through my Instagram photos, I realised I still look the same three years ago. Most of my friends became prettier, fitter or had a better fashion sense and then there's me, who still hasn't dropped the glasses, still not fat but not skinny either and I still wear the same clothes from three years ago. Pretty much everyone I knew upgraded or improved, except me.

There was this guy I used to fancy many years ago and as I was going through his profile, I found out that he has a girlfriend now and I was completely fine with it. It wasn't until I realised how pretty his girlfriend was did it make me understand why he would have picked anyone else over me.

I'm a mess, aesthetically. I never bothered with make-up and my skin is terrible (not my choice, its hereditary). I used to think being make-up free made people feel more liberated and carefree but apparently not. We live in a society so superficial that showing what you really look like is beginning to feel unacceptable. And what does this say about us? 12-year olds are starting to look like 18-year olds because society gives them no room to learn that looks aren't everything. I was convinced that that was true until now.

Let's face it, looks ARE everything, aren't they? If you don't have the looks, your self-confidence immediately plunges into self-doubt, and then what are the chances at a better social/ love life? We often say that if someone has got a pretty face with a shit personality, then his or her looks don't matter anymore. Well, aren't we just lying to ourselves? Because even with a crap personality, a smoking hot boyfriend/girlfriend makes you look good and nowadays we are all about that #RelationshipGoals. And you know you will date this shit personality with the appealing face until you are convinced and fed up that you break up with them and move on to the next shit personality. We'll never learn because all we care about is what looks good on our Instagrams. All we want to hear is how envious people are of our lives. All we want to know is how many (insert emoji with heart-shaped eyes) we are.

It's completely fine to seek attention because that generates self-love. It's also kind of ridiculous if we're at that stage where we have to depend on other people for self-love. Because it creates an expectation for those people with an amazing personality and an average look. Because it makes people like me, think that we are not doing enough to gain attention, that we're constantly invisible or we're just completely unworthy of any self-love, or love at all. It makes us feel like there's nothing beautiful enough to love in ourselves. Because no matter how striking our personalities are, they are not written on our faces. And since it takes time to know someone and unlock that remarkable personality, we can't be bothered anymore. In this day and age, who's got the time for human interaction when we're always on Instagram double-tapping anything that's pleasing to the eye?


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