Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Make A Life Worth Living

Happy Midweek!

If anyone's wondering what kind of weather I'm living in, well it's a cold and rainy Wednesday which I don't really mind because it makes up a good combination for some food for thought writing so here goes.

Just a couple of days ago, for some reason I was so fascinated by how much things have changed within a year or two. I think it started when I was browsing through the books I have to read for this semester, and I suddenly recalled how I thought I never had to study another ancient classic ever since I handed up my last Literature exam paper when I was sixteen. Yet here I am, two years later, reunited with Shakespeare.

It is funny how at sixteen, I never saw myself taking an interest in writing, especially when all I wanted to do was to perform and live on a stage. With that being said, I did question myself, I may like writing now but what if three years later, I become a psychologist?

Quite obviously, we would never know. What I do find rather mind-blowing about this, is the idea that there can be millions or endless if you will, of possibilities for the future that we may not know of, and I think it makes living so exciting.

However, despite all the twists and turns life seems to take, we never seem to realise that the freedom to be who we want is entirely up to us. While believing in "destiny" and constantly wondering about what is it "you're meant to do", we're forgetting that our fate isn't permanently written in stone, that we have full control over what we want in life, that if we wake up tomorrow and decide that we shall be the next Einstein, we can. 

Humans are capable of anything. With or without resources, we are practically unstoppable.

If you want a PhD in Celebrity Gossip instead of Accounting, then go for it. If you want to live in New York City, then work for it and when you can afford to, take that chance and go. Life is but a space of time with no definite length and while we're young and alive, I say let's go forth boldly in the direction of our dreams, because why waste precious years doing something you don't like? 

It sounds cheesy but the way I see it, this life never stays the same and there's no way of knowing what comes tomorrow. You might win the lottery or break a leg but what I'm saying is life changes and circumstances may alter for better or for worse, so while we hold onto today, make it worth.

I am very fortunate that at different stages of my life, I have had opportunities to do what I want. My parents were kind to send me to dance classes and now, well enough to send me all the way across to world to pursue writing and I am eternally grateful for it. But who knows if three years from now, I lose the inspiration to write and decide that I want to be the next Beyonce. (Touchwood, but c'mon who wouldn't want to?!) 18-year-old Kimmy would tell 21-year-old Kimmy to fucking do it anyway.

Whether it's dancing, writing or anything else, at the end of the day, I want to have checked everything off my bucket list and have #NoRegrets carved onto my gravestone because then I can tell God and His angels in heaven that it's been a life worth living. 


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